第 47 章 直線和曲線 curves and lines
兩種方式,一種是多項式回歸模型 (polynomial regression),另一種是 B-spline。
47.1 多項式回歸模型

圖 47.1: The relationship is visibly curved, because we have included the non-adult individuals.
\[ \mu_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 \]
\[ \begin{aligned} h_i & \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_u, \sigma) \\ \mu_i & = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 \\ \alpha & \sim \text{Normal}(178, 20) \\ \beta_1 & \sim \text{Log-normal}(0, 1) \\ \beta_2 & \sim \text{Normal}(0, 1) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Uniform}(0, 50) \end{aligned} \]
d$weight_s <- (d$weight - mean(d$weight)) / sd(d$weight)
d$weight_s2 <- d$weight_s^2
m4.5 <- quap(
height ~ dnorm( mu, sigma),
mu <- a + b1*weight_s + b2*weight_s2,
a ~ dnorm( 178, 20 ),
b1 ~ dlnorm( 0, 1 ),
b2 ~ dnorm( 0, 1 ),
sigma ~ dunif(0 , 50)
), data = d
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
## a 146.0574158 0.36897479 145.4677228 146.6471088
## b1 21.7330542 0.28888840 21.2713548 22.1947537
## b2 -7.8032786 0.27418323 -8.2414764 -7.3650809
## sigma 5.7744619 0.17646418 5.4924380 6.0564857
weight.seq <- seq( from = -2.2, to = 2, length.out = 30)
pred_dat <- list(weight_s = weight.seq, weight_s2 = weight.seq^2)
mu <- link( m4.5, data = pred_dat)
mu.mean <- apply(mu, 2, mean)
mu.PI <- apply( mu, 2, PI, prob = 0.89)
sim.height <- sim( m4.5, data = pred_dat)
height.PI <- apply( sim.height, 2, PI, prob = 0.89)
plot( height ~ weight_s, d, col = col.alpha(rangi2, 0.5))
lines( weight.seq, mu.mean )
shade( mu.PI, weight.seq)
shade(height.PI, weight.seq)

圖 47.2: Polynomial (a second order, quadratic) regressions of height on weight (standardized) for the height data. The solid curves show the path of mu in the model, and the shaded regions show the 89% interval of the mean (close to the solid curve), and the 89% interval of predictions (wider).
\[ \begin{aligned} h_i & \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_u, \sigma) \\ \mu_i & = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + \beta_3x_i^3\\ \alpha & \sim \text{Normal}(178, 20) \\ \beta_1 & \sim \text{Log-normal}(0, 1) \\ \beta_2 & \sim \text{Normal}(0, 1) \\ \beta_3 & \sim \text{Normal}(0, 1) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Uniform}(0, 50) \end{aligned} \]
d$weight_s3 <- d$weight_s^3
m4.6 <- quap(
height ~ dnorm( mu, sigma),
mu <- a + b1*weight_s + b2*weight_s2 + b3*weight_s3,
a ~ dnorm( 178, 20 ),
b1 ~ dlnorm( 0, 1 ),
b2 ~ dnorm( 0, 1 ),
b3 ~ dnorm( 0, 1 ),
sigma ~ dunif(0 , 50)
), data = d
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
## a 146.3945405 0.30998713 145.8991212 146.8899598
## b1 15.2197281 0.47626526 14.4585642 15.9808920
## b2 -6.2026117 0.25715822 -6.6136002 -5.7916232
## b3 3.5833790 0.22877341 3.2177549 3.9490031
## sigma 4.8298893 0.14694262 4.5950466 5.0647320
weight.seq <- seq( from = -2.2, to = 2, length.out = 30)
pred_dat <- list(weight_s = weight.seq,
weight_s2 = weight.seq^2,
weight_s3 = weight.seq^3)
mu <- link( m4.6, data = pred_dat)
mu.mean <- apply(mu, 2, mean)
mu.PI <- apply( mu, 2, PI, prob = 0.89)
sim.height <- sim( m4.6, data = pred_dat)
height.PI <- apply( sim.height, 2, PI, prob = 0.89)
plot( height ~ weight_s, d, col = col.alpha(rangi2, 0.5))
lines( weight.seq, mu.mean )
shade( mu.PI, weight.seq)
shade(height.PI, weight.seq)

圖 47.3: Polynomial (a third order, cubic) regressions of height on weight (standardized) for the height data. The solid curves show the path of mu in the model, and the shaded regions show the 89% interval of the mean (close to the solid curve), and the 89% interval of predictions (wider).
在使用標準化的 Z 值計算之後,如果你希望恢復到原來的尺度,而不是標準化的 x 軸,可以按照以下步驟:
plot( height ~ weight_s, d, col = col.alpha(rangi2, 0.50), xaxt = "n")
at <- c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
labels <- at*sd(d$weight) + mean(d$weight)
axis( side = 1, at = at, labels = round(labels, 1))

圖 47.4: Converting back to natural scale.
47.2 平滑曲線 Splines
B-Splines 是基礎 (basic) 平滑曲線的涵義。下面的數據紀錄了每年春天櫻花開放的日期:
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5% histogram
## year 1408.0000000 350.88459641 867.77000 1948.23000 ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▁
## doy 104.5405079 6.40703618 94.43000 115.00000 ▁▂▅▇▇▃▁▁
## temp 6.1418861 0.66364787 5.15000 7.29470 ▁▃▅▇▃▂▁▁
## temp_upper 7.1851512 0.99292057 5.89765 8.90235 ▁▂▅▇▇▅▂▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
## temp_lower 5.0989413 0.85034959 3.78765 6.37000 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▃▅▇▃▂▁▁▁
其中每年第一次確認的開花的日期被紀錄為 doy
變量。它的範圍是在每年的第 86 (三月底) ~124 (五月初)天:
## [1] 86 124

圖 47.5: 橫軸是年份,縱軸是每年第一天開花的日子
\[ \mu_i = \alpha + w_1 B_{i,1} + w_2 B_{i,2} + w_3 B_{i,3} + \dots \]
- \(B_{i,n}\) 是橫軸第 \(i\) 年份的第 \(n\) 個區間的基礎函數 (basis function)
- \(w_n\) 是該基礎函數本身的權重
假定我們選擇使用 15 個節點 (knots),也就是 \(n = 15\),來繪製該數據的平滑曲線:
d2 <- d[complete.cases(d$doy), ] # complete cases on doy
num_knots <- 15
knot_list <- quantile( d2$year, probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = num_knots))
## Named num [1:15] 812 1036 1174 1269 1377 ...
## - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:15] "0%" "7.142857%" "14.28571%" "21.42857%" ...
## 0% 7.142857% 14.28571% 21.42857% 28.57143% 35.71429% 42.85714% 50% 57.14286% 64.28571%
## 812 1036 1174 1269 1377 1454 1518 1583 1650 1714
## 71.42857% 78.57143% 85.71429% 92.85714% 100%
## 1774 1833 1893 1956 2015
我們來建立一個三次方平滑曲線,cubic spline:
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
## [1,] 1.00000000 0.000000000 0.00000000000 0.0000000e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [2,] 0.96035713 0.039312303 0.00032983669 7.2860303e-07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [3,] 0.76650948 0.220745951 0.01255948103 1.8509216e-04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [4,] 0.56334070 0.385673722 0.04938483524 1.6007409e-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [5,] 0.54526700 0.398683678 0.05418946879 1.8598537e-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## [6,] 0.45273210 0.459759692 0.08371386242 3.7943487e-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
其實是一個 827 行,17 列的矩陣。每一行是一個年份,對應 d2
數據框的每一行。每一列,則是對應一個基礎函數 basic function。為了繪製這些基礎函數,我們可以把他們和對應的年份作圖:
plot(NULL, xlim = range(d2$year), ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "year", ylab = "basis")
for( i in 1:ncol(B)) lines( d2$year, B[, i])

圖 47.6: the basic functions of the blossom data with 15 knots.
\[ \begin{aligned} D_i & \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_i, \sigma) \\ \mu_i & = \alpha + \sum_{k = 1}^K w_k B_{k,i} \\ \text{Priors :} & \\ \alpha & \sim \text{Normal}(100, 10) \\ w_j & \sim \text{Normal}(0, 10) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential} (1) \end{aligned} \] 對於像方差,標準差這樣必須大於零的參數來說,選用指數分佈作為先驗概率分佈其實是比較常見的。
實際運算這個模型,獲取 \(w_j\) 們的事後概率分佈:
m4.7 <- quap(
D ~ dnorm( mu, sigma ),
mu <- a + B %*% w ,
a ~ dnorm(100, 10),
w ~ dnorm(0, 10),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
), data = list(D = d2$doy, B = B),
start = list( w = rep(0, ncol(B)))
precis(m4.7, depth = 2)
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
## w[1] -3.01975939 3.86116673 -9.190649574 3.15113078
## w[2] -0.83435191 3.87014567 -7.019592169 5.35088835
## w[3] -1.05229324 3.58491642 -6.781682058 4.67709559
## w[4] 4.84212482 2.87708709 0.243983966 9.44026566
## w[5] -0.83877820 2.87429504 -5.432456817 3.75490041
## w[6] 4.32684717 2.91481867 -0.331596025 8.98529036
## w[7] -5.32336368 2.80017706 -9.798587450 -0.84813991
## w[8] 7.84857262 2.80203636 3.370377332 12.32676792
## w[9] -1.00540484 2.88100207 -5.609802577 3.59899290
## w[10] 3.03456155 2.91006945 -1.616291474 7.68541458
## w[11] 4.67146784 2.89167834 0.050007362 9.29292832
## w[12] -0.15856869 2.86936616 -4.744370007 4.42723262
## w[13] 5.56832971 2.88738944 0.953723710 10.18293571
## w[14] 0.70828833 2.99925702 -4.085103668 5.50168033
## w[15] -0.79633311 3.29347388 -6.059940468 4.46727424
## w[16] -6.96872059 3.37571746 -12.363769079 -1.57367209
## w[17] -7.66032665 3.22272168 -12.810858321 -2.50979497
## a 103.34854121 2.36968067 99.561333816 107.13574861
## sigma 5.87661606 0.14375338 5.646870395 6.10636172
繪製增加了權重 \(w_j\) 和基礎函數結合的平滑曲線:
post <- extract.samples( m4.7 )
w <- apply( post$w, 2, mean )
plot(NULL, xlim = range(d2$year), ylim = c(-6, 6),
xlab = "year", ylab = "basis * weight")
for( i in 1 : ncol(B)) lines( d2$year, w[i]*B[,i])

圖 47.7: The cubic spline of the blossom data with 15 knots. (each basis weighted by its correponding parameter)
## [1] 1000 827
## [1] 2 827
mu_mean <- apply( mu, 2, mean)
plot( d2$year, d2$doy, col = col.alpha(rangi2, 0.3), pch = 16)
lines(d2$year, mu_mean)
shade(mu_PI, d2$year, col = col.alpha("black", 0.5))

圖 47.8: The cubic spline of the blossom data with 15 knots. (the sum of these weighted basis functions, at each point, produces the spline. displayed as 97% posterior interval of mu.)