

听写于:2016-12-7 10:33 用时:28:09 正确率:89% 错词:33个


In 1976, my friend Glen decided to give up advertising to spend a year teaching English in the Sudan. On his returnreturning, he was supposed to be staying with his brother, but they had a rower row at Heathrow airport a few minutes after their his plane had landed. , and so Glen phoned and asked if he and his new New Zealander girlfriend, Virginia, could stop for a short while in our spare room in the council tower block where we lived.

When they arrived from the airport, dragging several huge overstocked overstuffed suitcases behind them, Glen and Virginia were both painfully thin and the their skin was a bright orange hue , due to a tropical parasite they had picked up.

Both of them spend the spent their first few days back in London in our lavatory. , terrible noise is noises issuing from the interior. Me and my wifethen were , Linda, was so worried about catching the same parasite parasites that we used the a toilet in the a pub, a bush right bus ride away . over the river in ones wellWandsworth.

As the week weeks of their stay in Londonlengthened, the couple hardly ever went out, but remained in the flat all day, arguing with each other and smoking continuously. After a while, me and Linda had had enough and asked Glen and Virgina Virginia to move out. , but rather than being honestlyhonest, we told them untruthfully that our old friend Christine Walker was coming to stay with us indefinitely , and she will would be needing the room.

We looked them initiated of agreeing Reluctantly the emaciated couple agreed to move out, but asked if they could leave the their suitcases behind. , since the only place , they could find to rent was a tiny bedsit with no storage space. We said yes, but this presented us with a problem. : one or other of them would be returning regularly to pick stuff up from our a room in which Chris Walker was supposedly staying. Either for I therefore felt , I had to fake Chris day to day presentsChris's day-to-day presence.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • row: n. 行,排;街道;划船;吵闹 v. 划船;争吵; My parents often have rows. 我爸爸妈妈经常吵架。
    • Heathrow:Airport(英国伦敦的)希思罗机场
    • overstuff: v. 过度填塞
    • overstock: n. 供给过多,库存过剩 vt. 供给过多,进货过多,过剩
    • hue: n. 色彩,色调;喊叫声; Add orange paint to get a warmer hue. 加些橙色颜料使之略呈暖色.
    • Wandsworth: 旺兹沃思[英国英格兰东南部城市](在大伦敦郡的西南部)
    • lengthen: vt. 使延长;加长 vi. 延长;变长
    • untruthfully:adv. 不真实地;不诚实地
    • emaciate: v. (使)消瘦,衰弱
    • day-to-day: 日常的
    • bedsit [ˈbed.sɪt]: n. 起居卧室两用房 He was living alone in a dingy bedsit in London. 他独自一人住在伦敦一间昏暗的客卧两用出租屋里。






王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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