

听写于:2016-12-4 17:29 用时:23:16 正确率:92% 错词:21个


Today's story is from India. There, even though discriminating against people on grounds of their caste has been illegal for years. , people can still find themselves severely disadvantaged. Vimal Kumar is from one of the lowest class castes - the Chuhras. They are sometimes called " the untouchables" . And for generations the family have made their living by cleaning out toilet pits. But today Vimal is studying for a PhD. He's managed to rise above the caste system and wants to help the rest of his community to do the same. On the line from BombayMumbai, Vimal has Vimal's been telling me his story, starting with his time at school.

It's still very fresh in my mind, at . In the same school my mum mother was sweeper. She used to clean the dry toilets. , the toilets without water. , and my identity in the school was " the son of the sweeper" . They just call The teachers called me not by my name. They call call all called me, they called like: " The son of sweeper, come here. " And I felt very shamed for shameful in the school.

And were you angry about it? Did you get angry?

Yeah. Because, because during our class they always the whole school called me: " Your mother is cleaning our toilet, . You are bad people. You are dirty people. " They tried to beat us, . They don't want to touch us . and they don't allow us into their families, into their houses. And I did not didn't like to go school due to these things. I always tried try to go, stayed stay at home. So everyday every day my family pushed hard to me to entering enter in the school. And my mother said: " Don't worry about that, just avoid these things , and just go to school and concentrate on your study. "

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • Mumbai: n. 孟买(位于印度西部,原名为Bombay)
    • on grounds of: 以…为理由,以…为借口,根据。 例句: We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity. 我们基于社会正义和公平发出这一呼吁。
    • castes: n. 种姓(制度),社会等级(制度)
    • pit: n. 深洞;煤矿;麻子;修理加油站;交易场所 v. 使有麻子;使有凹陷
    • rise above: 克服;升到…之上;超越…;沾沾自喜。 例句: It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street. 它讲述了一位有志青年试图摆脱贫苦肮脏的街头生活。






王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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