
Fat Gets Gut Bacteria Working against the Waistline

听写于:2016-8-3 13:55 用时:26:08 正确率:93% 错词:20个


Think it’s your inability to resist cheesecake that’s making it tough to fit into your skinny genesjeans? Well, your bacteria may share some of the blame. Because a new study in mice shows that the responsive response of intestinal microbes to a high-fat diet ends up triggering the release of a hormone that makes mammals feel hungry, causing them to eat even more. The finding is served up in the journal Nature.

Previous work had has shown that the types of bacteria in the gut in diabetic or obese individuals are different from the bacteria in healthy people. But does these bacteria make a this bacterial makeup contribute to these disorders, ? Or is it just a side effect?

To unravel this mystery, researchers put mice on a high-fat diet. The animals experienced to built a buildup of a chemical called acetate, particularly in the large intestine.

That location points to gut bacteria, which can produce acetate, as a possible culprit. So the researchers wiped out the microbes using antibiotics or a simple saline wash. And acetate levels plummeted.

Okay, so the gut bacteria in fat-fed mice make acetate. What does acetate do? Well, it gets the involuntary part of the nerve nervous system, the parasympathetic nerve nervous system. , to put out the call to produce more insulin. Unfortunately, in this case, acetate also gets the parasympathetic nerve nervous system to stimulate the production of a hunger hormone called ghrelin. And the more fat fats an animal consumes, the more acetate it makes . - which means the more ghrelin it produces , and, of course, the more it eats. And bacteria make the whole sequence happen.

The researchers are now investigating , whether the same biochemical events happen in humans. If they do, it’s possible that obtaining a better assortment assortments of gut bacteria could help us control our weight. Of course, the best way to get those good bacteria is from a fecal transplant . - in which bacteria-rich feces come out of one person and into you. The very thought of which could help curb your appetite.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • serve up phr. 端上,提供,提出
    • buildup n. 组织,组成,增强
    • acetate n. 醋酸纤维(素)
    • plummet n. 铅锤;坠子 v. 垂直落下;骤然下跌
    • assortment n. 花色品种;混合物;分类
    • curb n. 限制;路缘,路边 v. 控制,抑制
    • ghrelinn n. 胃饥饿素(一种胃肠道激素)
    • saline adj. 含鹽的,鹽的 n. 鹽湖;鹽溶液


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分



定位显示它们属于肠道细菌,可以生成乙酸(鹽), 所以它们既有可能就是始作俑者呢。因此研究人员们用抗生素或者一种简单的鹽水清洗方法来清除掉可能存在的微生物。 结果发现乙酸(鹽)的含量显著下降。好吧,所以就是吃脂肪的小鼠们体内的肠道细菌制造出的乙酸。那么这些乙酸(鹽)是用来干神马的?额,它可以到达神经系统的非自主部分,就是副交感神经系统,用来熄灭要求制造更多胰岛素的信号。不幸的是,这种情况下,乙酸(鹽)还作用于副交感神经系统来刺激制造一种饥饿激素又名生长激素释放肽。而一只动物所消耗(攝入)的脂肪越多,它产生出的乙酸(鹽)就越多——也就是说有更多的饥饿激素被制造出来,当然,它也会因此吃更多的食物。而细菌便是这整个连锁反应中的起始环节呢。


王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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