
Beet Juice Could Help Body Beat Altitude

听写于:2016-2-25 | 正确率:90%


At 14,505 feet, Mount Whitney towers over California’s Sierra Nevada range. It’s the tallest peak in the lower 48 , - which means that it tracks attracts thousands of weekend warriors every year . - or make that weekend weakened warriors. You see them stabbing staggering along in the narrowrocket , rocky trail, huffing for air, dizzy and exhausted from the low oxygen levels at high elevation. And once they are they’re sick. ?

The best medicine is to go down. That’s the actually the only cure that works. Svein Gaustad, a physiologist at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He says previous studies suggested that suggest blood vessels turned tend to contracted contract at high altitudes. Possibly because they need oxygen to relax . - exactly what’s in short supply on mountaintops. But there might may be a dietary way to get more oxygen to your blood vessels. : in the form of beet juice. The juice contains nitrate, which the body converts to nitric oxide, the compound that keeps arteries limber.

Gaustad and his colleagues tested that theory during a trek in Nepal, at 12,000 feet. 8 Eight volunteers alternately drinks drank shots of regular beet juice, and another day, beet juice with a nitrate the nitrates stripped out. A few hours later, the researchers measured blood flow and artery diameters with ultrasound. And they found that the regular beet juice did indeed restore blood vessels back to their low-elevation flexibility, whereas the nitrate-stripped juice did not. The result is results are in the journal of Nitric Oxide.

Gaustad says better vascular function has the potential to deliver more blood , - and therefore more oxygen - to tired muscles. But they still don’t know if that translates to better performance at altitude. And, he saysthat beet , beets won’t hurt, but there are they’re no substitute for proper acclimatization. If I had buffalo a bottle of beets around I will would take it for sure. But that won’t bringing bring you to Mount Everest just by drinking beetroot.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • stagger adj. 蹒跚的;令人惊愕的;难以置信的
    • huff v. 深呼吸,气喘吁吁,上气不接下气
    • contract v. 收縮
    • beet n. 甜菜,甜菜根,糖萝卜
    • nitrate n. 硝酸盐;硝酸钾;硝酸钠
    • acclimatization n. 服水土,顺应,适应环境
    • Mout Everest n. 埃佛勒斯峰(喜马拉雅山主峰之一,中国称珠穆朗玛峰)


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分

高达14505英尺,Mount Whitney 高耸在加州内华达山脉中。它可是较低的48 座山峰中最高的一座——也就是说每天它能吸引到成百上千的周末勇士来攀登——或者把这些勇士给搞垮。你可以看到他们沿着狭窄的岩石小路上蹒跚而行,上气不接下气,头昏眼花的在高海拔地区的缺氧环境下精疲力尽的抗争着。而一旦他们生病了怎么办呐?

最好的办法就是撤下去啦。这真的是有效的治疗办法。Svein Gaustad是,挪威科技大学的一位生理学家。他说以前的研究表明血管在高海拔地区会趋于收缩。或许因为她们需要氧气来放松——这在山顶上实在是个短缺的物资呢。但或许可以靠膳食给你的血管补充氧气哦: 就就来一杯甜菜汁吧。这里面含有硝酸盐,我们的身体可以将之转化为一氧化氮,这种化合物能保持血管的柔软灵活性。

Gaustad 和他的同事们在尼泊尔的徒步旅行中测试了上述理论,该地区大概有12000英尺。八名志愿者或者饮用一杯普通压榨的甜菜汁,而另一天,甜菜汁是脱硝酸盐的。几小时后,研究人员们用超声波测量了他们的血液流速和动脉的直径。他们发现,饮用普通甜菜汁的人们确实恢复了在低海拔地区时候的血管弹性,而饮用脱硝酸盐的甜菜汁的人们的血管并没有恢复。改研究结果已经发表在《一氧化氮》杂志上。


王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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