
Antioxidant Use Still Small Mixed Bag

听写于:2016-2-18 | 正确率:89%


Are you gobbling up antioxidants as part of your diet and nutrition regimentregimen? The benefits seems maybemay be, well.

It seems surprising, but even after several decades , we don’t have a clear answer. There is , there’s not, if there is were really cross the wall across-the-board powerful benefits we would’ve would have seen it. , and that’s not the situation.

Walter Willett, . He chairs the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. He spoke at a January 15th forum on Cancer and Diet , that wound up touching on diet and health in general.

The studies are, so far, randomized trials that have been done, don’t show much benefit. There was actually a surprising . increase in lung cancer with beta-carotene, one of the antioxidants, in people who smoke or smoked and were heavy drinkersalthough, although there is was no increase in risk in people if you who were generally pretty healthy . to start with. So even the randomized trials give different answers. , I think, that antioxidants are not a magic solution to cancer or other diseases. , but they are there probably are some benefits. One example is , that in the a physicians health study , randomized trial over 12 yearsare, at the end of that period of time , those taking beta-carotene had better cognitive function than people on placebo - a really interesting and potential potentially important finding.

So antioxidants may provide some benefits to some people.

But even if there are, that’s only a small part of the changes . that we need to make them in diet and lifestyle to reduce our risk of cancer. cancers, there is are so many other things that are really quite well documented.

The entire hour-long forum featured featuring Willett and other researchers discussing diet and health is archived on lineonline. Just google " Harvard public health forum" .

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • regimen n. 生活规则;养生法;政体
    • across-the-board adj. 全面的 adv. 全面地


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分



Walter Willett,他是哈佛 T. H. Chan公共健康 学院 营养学系 的主任 。他 在 1月 15日 巨型的 健康与癌症 研讨会上 做出了挑衅一般饮食与健康之间关系的 演讲 。

目前的相关 研究 已经进行了 随机试验 ,发现并没有什么 可见的显著益处。过去曾发现实际上,其中一种抗氧化物质,β-胡萝卜素 在 吸烟和酗酒的人群中与肺癌的患病率增高有关,尽管在一开始就 很 健康的人中并没有发现有 相关风险的增加。所以 即使随机试验给出了不同的 结论,我认为, 抗氧化物也并不是对癌症或者其它 疾病有很神奇效果的一种物质,但是或许它们 确实有促进健康的一些效果。有一个内科医生的健康研究进行了超过12年的随机试验中的例子显示,在研究期间内, 那些服用了β-胡萝卜素的 人群的认知能力比服用安慰剂的人群提高了不少—— 这个研究发现还挺有趣也挺重要的。

所以,抗氧化物也许对某些人来讲能提供一些促健康的益处 。但即便是有好处,对我们饮食和生活方式的影响以至于减少患癌症的风险这方面的作用也是微乎其微,还有许多其它因素都被证明确实会对疾病的发生能起到重要作用。

完整的研讨会包括Willett 和其它研究人员关于健康和饮食关系方面的讨论内容已经在线发布。只需要在 谷歌上搜索“Harvard public health forum”即可。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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