
Opioid Epidemic Gets Treatment Prescription

听写于:2016-3-4 | 正确率:90%


We’ve been dealing with an epidemic in the United States related to opioids.

Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health. He spoke February 12th at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D. C.

What we’ve seen is that the increase increased number of prescription prescriptions are driving , the nonmedical use of prescription drugs.

Drugs that are prescribed to treat pain.

So there is there’s tremendous availability of prescriptions. There is are some 260 million prescriptions written in each year for opioids. That’s not tablets, that’s prescriptions. So its it’s millions and millions of these , and some of them are available for diversion and used use inappropriately.

Some of the pain patients may become hooked, . Or their meds may find their ways way to friends or relatives who take them recreationally. Or , a prescription opioid users user may transition to heroin.

Heroin is just another opioid drug. , so the brain doesn’t distinguish , whether it comes from a pharmacy or it comes from a street drug dealer.

What’s being been drawing the most public health attention , is the overdose death rates related to prescription of opioids and heroin, which have increased markedly over the last 15 years. Right now , we see drug overdose is overdoses killing nearly 50,000 persons in a given year in the United States.

What are we doing about this? We are We’re focusing in three areas. We need to think about prevention in terms of reducing access to prescriptions as the ultimate upstream driver of this epidemic. We need to be thinking in terms to of saving lives acutely by providing greater access to the reversing drugs, drug - this is nalaoxone the naloxone - that blocks , the impactsimpact. So if somebody is overdose somebody’s overdosed and there are no they’re not breathing , and I can get this medication to them quickly. , I can resuscitate them. I guess there is That gives us a chance to help them turn their lives around with a the third aspect, which is greater access to effective treatment, through medication assistant medication-assisted treatment.

But we also think we need to come up with better approaches for treating pain. Whether What are non-medical approaches , that might use brain stimulation techniques, for example, to treat pain. Whether ? What are other medications that don’t include the opioid existence system that might be useful. ? These are the kinds of advances that science can bring us so that we can turn around this overdose epidemic . They are that right now shows tremendous increase increases each year.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • hooked adj. 钩状的;吸毒成瘾的;入迷的
    • resuscitate v. (使)复苏,复兴


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分


Wilson Compton,美国国家健康研究会国家药物滥用研究会副主席。这是他2月12日在华盛顿举行的美国科学进步协会年度会议上的讲话






我们该做点儿神马呢? 我们已经着重于以下三方面。我们需要去阻止,减少处方药的获得机会,因为最终是开出的处方药导致这种流行病的出现。我们需要思考,通过更有利的使用应对药物及时拯救生命——比如纳洛酮,烯丙羟吗啡酮(一种吗啡拮抗药)——用于阻断鸦片的药性。所以,如果有人用药过量后呼吸停止了,我们能及时应用这种药物去治疗他们,我们就能救活他们。这就给我们机会去帮助他们,由此可以引出我们可以做的第三个方面,那就是通过药物辅助治疗的方法实施更有效率的治疗。

但是我们还认为我们需要想出更好的治疗疼痛的方法。非药物的方法,比如用刺激大脑的技术,去治疗疼痛? 采用其它不不含有鸦片相关化合物的药物?这些科学进步所能带给我们的方法使我们能逆转现在每年大量增长的因药物过度使用造成的流行病。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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