
Super Bowl Sunday’s Food Needs Work

听写于:2016-3-1 | 正确率:88%


It’s nearly game day , and, if you are you’re a fan, you’ve already set aside your roomy sweat pants, roomiest sweatpants and your own personal Family-size bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. But if you are you’re at all concern concerned about over indulging, overindulging - which, if you live in America. , you probably should be . - you might take a tip from a public health advocate from at the New York City Food Policy Center. Charlse Charles Platkin says that one way to avoid over doing overdoing it , is to consider how much you’ve you’d have to exercise to work off what you consume.

So , to prepare for Super Bowl Sunday , - the second biggest day for food consumption in the U. S. - Platkin crunched the numbers for some of our favorite couch-side snacks. And he has he’s helpfully converted them to football-themed into exercise equivalenceequivalents.

So, for example, two slices of Domino’s ultimate pepperoni hand-tossed crust pizza would require running nearly 11,000 yards . - that’s 109 football fields - at a speed of 5 five miles per hour.

Two KFC original drum sticks, drumsticks? Just do the wave , 1,561 times.

To pay for a single potato chip loaded with French onion dip you’d have to sing along with Coldplay and Beyonce for 30 minutes during the half timehalftime.

And even five pretzels , - yes, five pure puny little pretzels out of the a bag - would take six-and-a-half minutes of jumping up and down whenever your team scores a touch downtouchdown.

Which means that if you want to avoid post-bowl paunch, your team better bring it. Either that or just a dip of stick with the celery sticks. And pass on the dip, if you want to maintain the current size of your N end zone.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • roomy adj. 广阔的,宽敞的,宽大的
    • sweatpant n. 【美】宽松长运动裤
    • family-size adj. 适合(足够)全家用的
    • overindulge v. [I] 溺爱,过分放任,过分沉溺(与in连用) [T] 过度沉溺,放纵,过分纵情(于)(与in连用)
    • advocate n. 拥护者,提倡者;辩护律师;谋利益者 v. 拥护,提倡
    • work off phr. 宣泄,释放,排解
    • drumstick n. 下段鸡腿肉;鼓槌
    • pretzel 椒盐脆饼干
    • puny adj. 微小的,弱小的,微不足道的
    • touchdown n. 触地,触地得分,着地,降落


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分

这就算是个全民游戏日了,如果你是它的粉丝的话,恐怕已经准备好居家服和家庭装芝士玉米立体脆.但是,如果你还担心放纵过渡的话——如果你住在美国,你或许应该——应该从纽约城市食品政策研究中心的公众健康宣讲会上找点儿建议。Charles Platkin建议,有一种方法来避免过度饮食就是先考虑一下你吃这些东西后需要做多少运动来消耗掉所含的热量。

所以,为了准备周日的超级杯——美国食品消费第二大高峰日——Charles Platkin尝试了大量的人们喜爱的零食小吃。并且,他将其所含热量转换为足球运动背景下的一些等量的运动项目。

所以,比如,两角多米诺旗下的全手工意大利辣肠口味的皮萨所含热量大概需要跑11000吗——也就是大概109个足球场 ——速度需要保持每小时5英里。

那么两块肯德基原味鸡块呐? 就随机摆动1561次吧。




王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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