

Bees Rank Pollen by Taste


Walk through Time Times Square , - you’re bumbled bombarded with advertising. And it turns out, a bumblebee , might have a similar feeling, buzzing through a field of flowers. So these flowers , are these build balls of billboards, they’re advertising are good. It’s a good, this delicious nectar to the worldreward, and bees are very picky shoppers. Anne Leonard, a pollination biologist at the University of Nevada, Reno.

She describes the a flower field as a sort of pollination marketplace. And one way , bees choose where to visit.

? Bees are nectar experts. They are really good at assessing even really small differences , in like sugar concentration of nectar. They also scope out the shape and size of flowers and their color and scent. And now Leonard and her colleagues have discovered that bumblebees are pollen aficionados, too.

They found out that out by lacing batches of cherry pollen with either table sugar or bitter quinine. And they to display the pollen to bees. , we got really into it , - we set up a started 3-D printing flowers in our lab. And for the answer, anther - the male flower part, which presents the pollen - pipe cleaners. So we’ve we bought out Michael’s craft store’s store supplies of these pipe cleaners and used them in our experiments.

It Turns out that bees will would return again and again to the same colored color flower that dispenses dispensed sweet pollen, and spent spend more time collecting there. But when confronted with the bitter pollen? They sought a different color colored flower for the their very next stop. All of which suggest suggests that, in addition to savor in savoring nectar, bees taste pollen too - and judge flowers by it. The results are in the journal Biology Letters.

The finding means that plants have to find a happy medium. : So can you make your pollen attractive enough , that the bees will collect it, but distasteful stuff enough that they won’t collect too much of it. ? And that balancing act, of carefully collaborative calibrated chemistry is - it’s just one of the many transactions that plays out in a the buzzing pollination marketmarketplace. Well, Where the objective object is to make a sweet profit.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • bombard n. 射石炮 v. 炮击,轰炸;连珠炮似的质问(或批评)
    • bumblebee n. 大黄蜂
    • billboard n. 广告牌;布告板 v. 宣传
    • nectar n. 神酒,甜美饮料,甘露,花蜜
    • pollination n. 授粉
    • pollen n. 花粉 v. 传授花粉给
    • quinine n. 奎宁
    • savor n. 滋味;气味;食欲 v. 品尝;尽情享受;意味着,带有…的性质;有…的滋味,加调味品于
    • distasteful adj. 味道差的,不愉快的,讨厌的
    • calibrate v. 测定;校准,调整
    • anther n. 雄蕊的花粉囊,花药
    • buy out phr. 全部買下


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分

穿过时代广场——你会被各种广告震撼(轟炸)的。可是有研究结果显示,一只大黄蜂飞过一片花海的话,和你也会有同样的感觉呢。所以这些花儿就像是这些广告牌,它们也是在宣传一件商品,那就是这美味的花蜜了,并且蜜蜂其实是很挑剔的顾客哦。 这是Anne Leonard, 里诺市的内华达大学中的一位研究授粉的生物学家。

她把一片花海比作为一种花粉市场。那么蜜蜂会选那个方向开始工作呢? 蜜蜂们可是花蜜研究专家呢。它们 真的很善于对甚至是花蜜中的糖含量这样的细微差别做出评判。它们也会打量一下花的外形和大小,颜色以及气味。现在, Leonard和她的同事们已经发现,大黄蜂也是花粉爱好者呢。


结果显示,蜜蜂会一次又一次的返回同样颜色的会散布甜味花粉的花朵,并且在此处花费更多的采集时间。但是当它们碰到了苦味的花粉后会怎样的?它们会选择一个不同颜色的花朵作为下一站。所有结果显示,除了喜欢花蜜,蜜蜂也会尝花粉哦——并且用这个方法来鉴定花朵的可用性。该研究结果已经发表在~~《生物学报》~~(Biology Letters不知道有沒有官方中文譯名還是保留原名的好)杂志上。

该研究结果意味着,植物们有个愉快的合作伙伴:那么你能不能让你的花粉更有吸引力,以便蜜蜂会采集它?而不是让花粉尝起来很糟糕以至于它们都不愿采太多? 而这种权衡行为(的方法),也就是仔细的调整化学合成——只是在它们繁忙的花粉交易市场中达成的众多交易中的一种。在那里,唯一的目的就是要收获甜蜜。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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