
听写于:2017-1-1 10:23 用时:14:03 正确率:93% 错词:16个



In 1996, Dominique Moceanu made headlines as the youngest-ever member of the US Women’s gymnastic Gymnastics team to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. Her parents were from Romania and inspired by the popular Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci, they had high ambition ambitions for their daughter.

My parents had it in their hearts that when they had their first child, I would be a gymnast. And when they immigrated to the United States in 1981. , that desire stayed within their hearts . and so after I was born about 6 six months, they did a test of my strength just for fun. And my parents didn’t have a washer or dryer so they hanged hung me from a cloth clothes line to see how long I could hold on to the cloth clothes line.

My goodness.

I know. And so my father dad used to always say I it was such enthusiasm: " You held on until the cloth clothes line broke. " But of course , they were there to catch me. , and they said that was really a sign to them that I was gonna be a great real gymnast. And then eventually , I would’ve started gymnastic would start gymnastics by the age of 3 three in the United States. , and I was put in a tennis class and a gymnastic gymnastics class. And really tennis was great, but I didn’t have the love that I immediately had for gymnastics, and really the rest was history from that moment on.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • make headlines: 出现在头条新闻位置;受到宣扬。 例句: But other software, developments, and trends are sure to make headlines and seduce developers in 2010. 但是其他软件、开发和趋势等在2010年必定会成为开发人员所关注的头条新闻。






王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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