
听写于:2016-12-28 11:45 用时:22:35 正确率:88% 错词:31个



Stalking steals lives. It stops people from having the normal life sort lifestyle that you and I would've expected. You can would expect, we could go to work, take your kids to school, go about back your, sort of, daily business. It's usually a campaign by somebody who's fix stated fixated and obsessive. , and will, in many casesit stopped , stop at nothing to really shut down the freedom freedoms of the victim. And So it can affect anybody . - we believe it's approximately one in five women and one in ten men. , but we also believe that the figures are underestimated, because quite often, people don't know that they are they're being stalked. When people call us , at the National Stalking Advocacy Service, they want to know what you've called you would call it.

Yeah, well, let's, I want to put some examples to you. Let's say, I get intensive incessant phone calls, or I have somebody turning up at on my place of work or I get letters I don't want, I get gifts I don't want. Is this the kind of things thing that happens?

It can be. We talked intense talk in terms of harassment in and stalking . and very often harassments would harassment will be more, sort of, ongoing uses and nuisance behaviour, which can have a significant impact one on somebody's life itself. lifestyle and their mental health. , but really, the difference between stalking and harassment is stalking is more about having a fear of violence . and a significant fear for the victim that means that their freedoms are so significantly changed. , they may have to think about moving house, changing jobs. They may suffer from significant mental health problems, such as PTSDor , depression. , a number of our clients were talked will talk to us about those, sort of, ongoing issues and how they deal with it.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • fixated:adj. 念念不忘的;迷恋的 He seems to be fixated on this idea of travelling around the world. 他似乎对周游世界这一想法十分迷恋。
    • incessant:adj. 不間斷的, 連續的
    • nuisance: n.討厭的人或者事情; 非法妨害


“跟踪骚扰(stalking)”会剥夺人们原有的生活。它使人们无法继续从前正常的生活方式,如上班、送孩子上学、处理日常事务。跟踪骚扰者异常痴迷且迷恋某人或某事,通常会采取一切手段剥夺受害人的自由。任何人都可能受到跟踪骚扰的危险。我们认为大约每五位女性或十位男性中就有一人遭受到跟踪骚扰,而实际情况可能比这还要严重,因为很多时候人们并不知道自己被跟踪了。当人们电话联系National Stalking Advocacy Service时,他们想要知道你怎么定义那些行为(他们需要你来判断他们是否受到跟踪骚扰)。



王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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