
听写于:2016-12-29 10:51 用时:24:29 正确率:90% 错词:22个



Hello, . As family drama , the Descendants collects at the box office. , Director Alexander Payne describes the power of putting George Clooney in a Hawaiian shirt. The Gotham city for zombies and batman White batmen, why Glasgows smiles better. ? A cult film in more than one sense, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Director/Writer Sean Durkin, on his drewlim-like dream-like study of a girl on the run from the a controlling sect. And as baffed on as BAFTA honours John Hurt, he reflects on a the recent role that got away.

But first, the film that opened strongly in cinemas last weekend, starring George Clooney as a family guy, a father and husbandbut , not perhaps obvious casting, but then the Descendants isn't based on an average family setup. The setting is Hawaii and Clooney's character Matt King, is head of a family trust that owns valuable lands rightfully developmentland, rightful of redevelopment. But he is he's currently dealing with a more immediate crisis. His wife, the mother of their two daughters, aged 17 and 10, is lying in a coma after a boating accident. And all of these are against the backdrop of relentless beauty . - blue sea and waving palms.

" My friends on the mainland think just because I live in Hawaii, I am live in paradise, . Like a permanent vacation. We are , we're all just out here, sipping my timesMai Tais, checking shaking our hips, and catching weightswaves. Are they insane? Do they think we are immune to life? How can they possibly think our families are less screwed up, ? Our cancers less fatal, ? Our heartaches less painful? How life had Hell, I haven't been on a surfboard in 15 years.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • box office:phr. 票房,票房收入;售票处
    • Glasgows:格拉斯哥(英国苏格兰西南部港市)
    • BAFTA:abbr. (英)电影和电视艺术学院(British Academy of Film and Television Arts)
    • dream-like:adj. 梦一般的;朦胧的
    • sect:宗派; 邪教
    • rightful:adj. 合法的;正当的;公正的;正直的
    • redevelopment:再发展,再显影,照相加厚,二次显影
    • backdrop:n. 背景幕;背景;交流声
    • Mai Tai:迈代鸡尾酒
    • surfboard:n. 冲浪板 v. 以冲浪板滑水


大家好。随着家庭类影片《後裔》在影院上映,导演亚历山大•佩恩向我们展示了穿上夏威夷花衬衫的乔治•克鲁尼的巨大魅力。哥谭镇(指代纽约)的僵尸和蝙蝠侠赫赫有名,可是为什么格拉斯哥(苏格兰西南的城市)更能吸引电影制作人的眼球? 在各个方面都很邪典(非主流)的影片《双面玛莎》的导演和编剧肖恩•德金向我们讲述了如梦似幻的故事–一个女孩躲避邪教组织魔爪的逃亡之旅。最后,获得英国电影学院杰出贡献奖的老戏骨约翰•赫特回想他最近失之交臂的角色。



“内陆的朋友们觉得因为我住在夏威夷,所以我住在天堂。我们好像永远在度假,整天喝着鸡尾酒、跳着草裙舞、去海滩冲浪。他们难道秀逗了吗?他们觉得我们百毒不侵?他们怎么可以觉得我们家的麻烦就比他们的少?我们就算得了绝症也没他们的那么要人命?我们的心就不像他们这么痛? 苍天啊,我已经有十五年没碰过冲浪板啦。”

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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