
Evolution Ed Defenders Make Rapids Progress in Grand Canyon

听写于:2016-8-5 15:29 用时:23:29 正确率:89% 错词:23个


So what is does rafting down the Grand Canyon have to do with science education?

Ann Reid, the former researcher research biologist and current executive director of the National Center for Science Education. She spoke to me July 7th at the Fern Glen Canyon campsite . the morning of our penultimate date day rafting down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

Well, the for NCSE is it's one of the most powerful places on the Earth to show the difference differences between religious thinking and scientific thinking. Because for a very small minority of Christians who believe the Earth have been is 6,000 years old, the Grand Canyon is the best evidence , they have of Noah's flood.

Creation is to Creationists run multiple raft trips down the Colorado each year. A Web site touting sums, some says the trips will encourage your faith as we reveal the truth of God's creation found in this gigantic reminint remnant of the Biblical Flood. Which creation is believed creationists believe occurred some 4,400 years ago.

And of course , scientists of many, many different subdisciplines have figured out that the canyon is much older than that. There is, there's the rocksthere is , there's the biologythere is , there's the hydrology. , it's just a fantastic place to learn how science explains scientists explain the world around us.

The annual NCSE Colorado River trip holds about two dozen guests and features talks by a geologist and an evolutionary biologist. This year, two public school teachers received all-expense paid scholarship trips . so they could bring their experience experiences and learning , back to the classroom. And I record recorded lots more audio, which will I'll be posted in posting as Scientific American Science Talk podcasts in the coming weeks.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • Grand Canyon pla.大峡谷{GCN,美国}
    • penultimate adj. 由字尾倒数第二的
    • campsite n. 露营地(为游客所设),野营地,度假营地,营地
    • Creationist n. 神灵论者,上帝论者
    • tout n. 兜售者,招揽员 v. 兜售;招徕;拉选票;标榜,吹捧,吹嘘
    • remnant adj. 剩余的,残余的 n. 剩余;残余
    • hydrology n. 水文学


所以划下Grand Canyond大峡谷和科学教育有神马关系呢?

这是Ann Reid,之前是生物学研究员,现在是国家科学教育中心(NCSE)的执行主席。她在7月7日 Fern Glen Canyon大峡谷的露营地,和我进行了一次谈话,就在我们要用木筏划下Grand Canyon大峡谷的科罗拉多河的前一天早上。

对于NCSE来讲,这里是地球上最强大的地方之一,可以显示出宗教和科学思想之间的差异。因为对于很小一部分相信地球存在已经有6000年的基督教信徒来讲,Grand Canyon大峡谷是他们认为诺亚曾发生洪水的最好证据。



每年举行的NCSE科罗拉多河漂流之旅可以吸引到24名观众,以及由一位地理学家和一位进化生物学家进行解说的记录短片。今年,两个公立学校的老师收到了全奖支持的旅行,所以他们可以将他们的这次经历和学到的知识带回课堂。并且,我已经收录了许多相关音频, 之后我会在今后几周陆续放到我们科学美国人科学谈话的播客节目里。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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