Cultural Inclusion and Exclusion
听写于:2016-11-25 16:1 用时:29:16 正确率:91% 错词:23个
Now, Pokémon Go, . In case you haven't heard of it, it's it is a worldly wildly popular augmented reality game just take that's taken the world by storm since it's launched. I've persisted resisted playing so farand . I'm worried I might get hooked and ended end up spending hours of my life trying to chase after Pikachu or a Jigglypuff. But it seemsthat I am ain't a , I'm in the minority. With the release of the game in Australia, New Zealand , and the United States on the 6th of July, and subsequently the UK, Canada, several European countries , and in Egypt. , the app apparently has more daily users than Twitter and more downloads than the dating app dating-out Tinder. Politicians are getting involvedtoo, too. US presidential candidateHilary , Hillary Clinton, used Pokémon to encourage Americans to register to vote. Despite its ' successI've , I have read some worrying reports of players, walking off cliffs or straight into crime scenes while playing the game. So, so there are some obvious safety concerns. But what happens when Pokémon Go goes to the museum. ? Many historic and culture cultural institutions have found themselves designated as Poké-stops or Poké-gyms almost overnight. To tell us what the game might mean for a culture our cultural spacesI am , I'm joined by Blaire Moskowitz, a New York-based blogger , and academic, who also works for a company that makes apps for museums. Thank you for joining us, Blaire.
Thank you for having me.
Now I believe you are part of the original Pokémon generation.
Yes, . A lot of Millennials remember the app as kids.
What's a Millennial , and do you mind me ask asking how old you are?
I am I'm 27 , and a child from the 90s would be a Millennial. When it was originally released in the 90s, we had the playing cards, . We watch watched the cartoons. So now seeing the app come back on our phones, kind of reminds us of our childhood, and it's the first bit of massive mass nostalgia from for Millennials.
- Words worth to be remembered:
- augment:
n. 增加;增大 vt. 增加;增大 vi. 增加;增大
- augmented reality:
- hooked:
adj. 钩状的;吸毒成瘾的;入迷的 v. 用钩固定;捉住(hook的过去分词)
- Millennial:
adj. 一千年的;千禧年的
- nostalgia:
n. 乡愁;怀旧之情; Her work is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age. 她的作品充满怀旧之情.
- designate [‘dezɪgneɪt]
v. 指明; 任命; 指出 There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark. 人们正在努力将这座桥定为历史遗迹。
- augment:
我们来说说Pokémon Go。这是一款超级流行的增强现实游戏,该游戏一经推出便掀起全球热潮。我一直按捺着没敢玩,担心会上瘾,然后就要花大把时间追逐皮卡丘和波波球。不过看起来我是少数派。
Pokémon Go于7月6日在澳洲、新西兰和美国地区上线,随后登陆英国、加拿大、埃及和几个欧洲国家,一经发售便收获众多迷粉。该游戏软件的日常用户数量已超过Twitter,软件下载量也超过约会软件Tinder。政客也会跟Pokémon Go“套套近乎”。例如美总统候选人希拉里就借Pokémon Go之名拉选票,鼓励美国公民注册选民身份。不过,尽管该游戏已取得巨大成功,但也存在隐忧。我看到一些相关事故报道,如玩家过于沉迷游戏从而走下悬崖或闯入犯罪现场。安全隐忧显而易见。
另外,当游戏扯上博物馆又会怎样?许多历史文化机构发现几乎一到晚上自己就被游戏标为小精灵基站或道场。Pokémon Go对我们的文化景点有什么影响?我们请来从事博物馆软件开发相关工作的纽约博主、学术研究者布莱尔·莫斯凯维茨。
“我今年27。千禧一代指90年代出生的人。90年代的时候,我们玩过Pokémon对战卡片,看过动画片。如今Pokémon Go这款手机游戏让我们想起了童年时光,引发千禧一代用户的怀旧情绪。”