

听写于:2016-11-21 11:56 用时:24:03 正确率:87% 错词:27个


Today, an extraordinary insight into how things have been changing in Russia for gay and transgender people. At the end of the Soviet era in the 1980s, Tapir could wear high heels in the army and no one minded. These days he is he's afraid for his life. Tapir identifies as gender quierqueer, somewhere between male and female. That he was , though he's comfortable was with the masculine pronoun. He works as a bodyguard at events for lesbian, gay, bisexual , and transgender people. , and he has he's been telling me about the kind of trouble that activist activists can face, like at this event in 2014 at a culture center cultural centre in Moscow.

The worst of that episode was in October, 2014 when there was a tackle attack of the so-called Russian battles battlers against the Sakharov Centre.

What as was going on at the Sakharov Centre?

It was prompted by the Coming Out Day , which was a stage staged at the Sakharov Center Centre by the LGBT activists. They were expecting that actually a limited number as usual who would turn up for this action, like 8,10 eight, ten people, the usual sort of arriving actvists. right-wing nationalistic activists, but they didn't expect actually the huge crowd of whom who will turn out up, calling themselves anti-maidan people. They would be constricted from all sorts of fright between nationaly sickright-wing, nationalistic factions. There are some people apparently from the Donbass area, . They were unusually brittle virulent

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • queer: n. 同性恋者;怪人;伪造的货币 adj. 奇怪的;同性恋的;不舒服的;心智不平衡的 vt. 搞糟;使陷于不利地位; gender queer 同性恋。 例句: From the start, Timothy introduced himself as masculine-of-center gender queer. 从入学一开始,提摩西在自我介绍是说自己是一位偏男性的跨性人。
    • masculine pronune: 阳性代词;阳性代名词。
    • right-wing: adj. 右翼的;右派的
    • natinalistic: adj. 民族主义的;国家的
    • virulent: adj. 剧毒的,致命的,刻毒的,恶毒的,恶性的,有病毒的,充满敌意的
    • constrictvt. 收缩;压紧;阻碍;挤压。 例句: Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles. 男性和女性同样受到传统性别角色的束缚。
    • 【背景介绍】National Coming Out Day“全国出柜日”是国际上LGBT(包括同性恋、双性恋和跨性别)人群的庆祝出柜和提高社会认识的节日,LGBT社群成员和他们的支持者(常被称为“同盟”)在每年10月11日庆祝这个节日,在英国则是在10月12日来庆祝。(资料来源:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2645622245)






王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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