
用时:24:13 正确:93% 奖励: 4 日期:2016-11-19


It's that time of a year again. The Tuesday after the August bank holiday, summer holidays are almost over. Very soon, it would will be back to school. For those of us without children, the first clue is all the advertises for adverts of school uniforms. Getting kitted out for a new term is a lesson in life. There is There's repetition in the cycle of one academic year after another, but also growth in a the fact that clothes that bought just 12 months ago were no longer fit and require replacement. My mum always got around it this by buying uniforms several sizes too big for me , that will would last forever.

In yesterday's Guardian, the philosopher Julian Baggini observed that life can appear forward moving and linear when it is in fact sick a little cyclical, too. , and that we we'll do better to appreciate the rhythms of here and now, rather than fast fuss over the distant future.

As a Christian, my mind immediately turns to Ecclesiastes, where it says" , 'For everything, there is a season, and the a time for every matter under heaven. " ' This passage is popular at funerals partly because it talks about a time to die, but also a time to be born. , reminding us that birth and death, like summer and winter, are not the end, but part of a cycle. It seems to say to the mourners: " , 'Take comfort, . Life goes on" . '

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • Bank Holiday: 银行假日(英语:bank holiday)指的是英国、部分英联邦国家和部分欧洲国家(如瑞士)以及部分英国前殖民地(如香港)的公共假日。在爱尔兰,口语中也将公共假日称为银行假日
    • advert: n. 广告 v. 注意;提及
    • kit out: 穿着: She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers. 她全副武装,穿着冬天的外套、裙子、套头衫。
    • Guardian: 《卫报》(The Guardian)是英国的全国性综合内容日报。与《泰晤士报》、《每日电讯报》被合称为英国三大报。由约翰·爱德华·泰勒创办于1821年5月5日。因总部设于曼彻斯特而称为《曼彻斯特卫报》。1959年8月24日改为现名。
    • philosopher: n. 哲学家, 哲人 He came to London in 1750 and soon acquired a reputation as a philosopher and man of letters. 1750年他到伦敦,不久获得了哲学家和学者的名声。
    • cyclical: adj. 循环的;周期的
    • rhythm: n. 节奏;规则变化
    • fuss: n. 大惊小怪,抱怨;争吵 v. 忙乱,大惊小怪;(为小事)烦恼 You needn't fuss. There's no disgrace. 你不必大惊小怪。没有什么丢人的事。
    • Ecclesiastes: n. 传道书



哲学家朱利安(Julian Baggini)在昨天的卫报上评论说,生命表现为向前移动的直线,但同时它也是循环往复的。把重心放在当前,而不过分关注遥远的未来,这样我们的生活会更好。


王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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