
听写于:2016-11-22 22:16 用时:26:49 正确率:95% 错词:12个


Last month, Global Trade Talks took place in Geneva. AlrightAll right, before you reach for your radio, please do not switch us off, . This is important. Governments were debating, yet again, whether it was time to cut the subsidies that some of them give to their farmers. It's an old saw. Many, especially in the poor world, have been arguing against , since practiced this practice for years. Farmers in poor countries get much less you see than the generous handouts for super-rich farmers in places like Europe, the US , and Japan, distorting the global market markets, some say. But those rich governments are unwilling to change a dacades-old-practicedecades-old practice. And this, in part, is our theme today in Business Daily. We're looking first at one specific example, . Argentina is a major agriculture agricultural producer. The newly-elected center-right centre-right government there has been struggling to change a state-driven policy of handouts that has become bloated and some say unsustainable, both for the economy and the environment. Grace Livingstone reports.

I have I've come to the Argentine flatlands, the Pampas, to see what farmers ' ink think of the new government. The Pampas used to be synonymous with cattle and cowboys. , but now most of this area is planted with genetically-modified soya. So I've come to the city of Rosario to talk to the Soya Association, which represents all those who grow or process soya. It's a very smart glass building, giving you an indication of just how much wealth the soya industry has generated.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • It’s an old saw. saw /sɔː/ n.格言 例句: The old saw "you should learn something new every day" is a good one. 古老的格言“每天你都应该学些新的东西”说的很好
    • centre-right: 中间偏右
    • handout/ˈhændaʊt/: n.施舍物; 救济品; 救济金 例:Each family is being given a cash handout of six thousand rupees. 每个家庭都被给予6000卢比的救济金。
    • synonymous /sɪˈnɒnɪməs/: a.密不可分的 例: Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style. 巴黎与优雅、华贵和时尚一直是密不可分的。


上个月,全球贸易谈判在日内瓦举行。你可能要拿起收音机了,但稍等,不要换台。这很重要。政府之间又在争论,焦点仍然锁定在是否要削减发给农民的补贴。这是老生常谈。尤其在贫困地区,人们对此已经有数年的争议。在贫困国家的农民所得到的补贴远低于那些欧洲、美国和日本等国超级富有的农民所得到的政府的慷慨之助,而一些人认为这样会使全球市场走向失真。但那些有钱的政府并不愿意改变这样一个数十年历史的惯例。而这,某种程度上,就是我们今天每日财经的主题。我们首先来看一个实例。阿根廷是一个主要的农业生产国。新上任的中右翼政府想方设法改变这样一项愈发奢侈的国民政策,一些人认为这在经济和环境方面看都是不可持续的。Grace Livingstone 带来报道。 我来到了位于阿根廷的潘帕斯平原,了解这里的农民如何看待新一届的政府。潘帕斯曾经是牛群和牛仔的天下,但现在这里大部分地区都种植了转基因大豆。我来到了位于罗萨里奥的大豆联盟,它能够代表所有种植或加工大豆的群体。这个建筑外表是智能玻璃的,让你一下子就能感觉到大豆产业带来了丰厚的经济利润。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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