
听写于:2016-12-2 12:37 用时:26:21 正确率:91% 错词:24个


I've always felt that there has to be some method of controlling the boar. I've got the ability here to inject boar from where when we were worm them and things like that , from about 6 six feet away. But then when I had, heard that there was a firm, who could actually dart the boar, I was interested. And they came along. And as a result of that, they darted on all eight of our boar. That was on the 1st first of April this year. It's been 100% successful. We have We've had new no young pig boars piglets born.

I mean, just looking at the boar, they do move very fast. In all reality, it would it be practical to dart them.


Oh yes, that's it's that easy to dart them. The guns that they use are very sophisticated with telescopic sights. When they fire, they haven't hardly even noticed notice it.

Well, to find out more about the dart. , I've come to meet Phil York , from Animal Welfare Solutions. He is specialized specialises in sedating and vaccinating semi semi-feral animals. Now , he is he's here with me, and he's got a dart in his hand. I have to say , it does look like he's it's got a pretty ferocious needle. And Phil, could you talk me through the dart?

This is the dart that we used use to deliver the vaccine. It's a specially imported dart from America. It's very very effective. The darting system that we use is accurate out to 60 yards. And you can see here it has a flight which stabilizes stabilises it. The drug is injected by the vet into the vest vessel of the dart, that . The drug actually comes out to of the end of the dart as it does in the a syringe. There is There's a wax bob barb here. , so when the dart goes into the animal, the body heat melts the wax.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • boar: n. 公猪,野猪;公猪肉
    • worm: n. 虫,蠕虫;螺纹;蜗杆;小人物 v. (使)蠕动;(使)缓慢前进;给…除虫
    • dart: n. 飞镖,标枪;猛冲,飞奔 v. 飞奔,猛冲;投射
    • piglet: n. 小猪
    • feral: adj. 野生的,凶猛的
    • vessel: n. 船;飞船,飞机;容器,器皿;血管
    • syringe: n. 注射器,洗涤器 vt. 注射,洗涤
    • barb: adj. 有倒钩刺的 n. 倒钩,倒刺







王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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