強奸不犯法 喪盡天良的摩洛哥法律

摩洛哥刑法规定强奸犯与受害者结婚可免除刑责,16岁少女自杀一石激起千层浪. Morocco protest against rape-marriage law

听写于:2016-12-15 12:8 用时:22:26 正确率:92% 错词:20个


Women's right campaign is rights campaigners in Morocco , it have been demonstrated demonstrating in the capital Rabat against the country's rape law laws which allows allow the rapist to marry his victim in order to avoid prosecution. The protesters have been outraged by the suicide of 16-year-old Amina Filali last week after she was severely beaten when she was forced to marry her rapist. Her mother described what happened.

" He raped my daughter, . He mistreated my daughter. She complained to me that she was mistreated . that she didn't get fed, that he threaten threatened to kill her if she stayed there. I told her to not to be afraid, to be patient, to be very patient. "

The protesters have asked the government to remove a specific article in the penal code , which forces rape victims to marry their rapists , has as a way of defending the families' honorfamily's honour. I called My colleague Julian Marshall and got more details . And my from our correspondent in Rabat , Nora Fakim.

" But the Moroccan's Moroccans women's association are protesting today , to ask the government to remove the penal code 475 . and to help change mentalities , because for them, it's a waste of life and there could be future Amina Filalis if the government doesn't do anything. "

" And how much supporters support is there for this pressure to remove this article from the penal code.

? "

" Well, the women's activists are getting a lot of pressure from Moroccans in general. But, but I spoke to them in this morning , and they have been disappointed by the government's reactions reaction so far. , because only 2 two ministers responded . and they are particularly upset at the minister of justice who is defending the judge who forces forced the 15-year-old girl to get married to her rapist. "








dictation English Learning Listening BBC
王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

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