
Ukraine’s Tiny ‘Troublemaker’

听写于:2016-12-13 12:04 用时:23:33 正确率:92% 错词:16个


We've been hearing from controversial campaigners who've been making waves across Europe. Today , we go to Ukraine and to Kiev , where clashes between government forces and opposition groups have been the at their most violence violent since the unrest began in November last year. 34-year-old Tetiana Chornovol is an anti-government activist who divides opinion across in the country. As an investigative reporter for opposition websites, she's built a reputation for unusual standsstunts. But in December last year, she became the story herselfm herself when she was brutely brutally attacked after her car was forced off the road. Last month, Outlook's Lucy Ash when went to meet Tetiana and her family in Kiev.

Wustim has got a scooter with lights on it. , going round and round. He is He's like Tetiana.

Oh , yes, their personalities are very much alike.

I've just arrived in the home of Tetiana Chornovol, . In the front room of their house on the outskirts of the capital Kiev. , Tetiana's very determined 3-year-old three-year-old son Wustim has rolled up the carpets carpet so he can whiz above about on with his scooter, watched by his grandma, Natalia.

I said to myself, 'Tanya, , hold the will wheel straight, . Stay on the road. ' But this car that was reaming ramming me probably cost $40,000. And I realized, realised that if such an expensive car is delivered its mission deliberately smashing into me. , it means that those guys are being paid a lot to kill me.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • unrest: n. 动乱,骚乱,不安的状态
    • stunt: n. 特技表演;噱头 v. 阻碍,遏制;表演特技; 例句: He used to stunt-drive in acrobatic performances. 他过去常在杂技表演中表演驱车特技。
    • brutally: adv. 残忍地,野蛮地,狠狠地;直截了当地;难以忍受地
    • ramming:舂实,捣打,打夯,抛砂,夯,压实
    • deliberatly:adv. 故意地;从容不迫地
    • smashing:adj. 极好的;轰动的;粉碎性的 v. smash的现在分词;粉碎
    • divide opinion: 指令(一群)人的意见产生分歧。 例句: Airport expansion plans divide opinion. 众人对机场扩建方案看法不一
    • scooter[ˈsku:tə(r)]: n. <英>小型摩托车;(儿童)滑板车。 例句: On the scooter we laughed about the performance. 在摩托车上我们为这场表演哈哈大笑。
    • whiz[wɪz]: vi. 发出飕飕声;<口>高速移动。 例句: They heard bullets continue to whiz over their heads. 他们听到子弹不断在他们头顶上嗖嗖飞过。
    • 【背景资料】
      1. Ukraine(乌克兰) 乌克兰位于欧洲东部,是欧洲除俄罗斯外领土面积最大的国家。原苏联15个加盟共和国之一,是仅次于俄罗斯和 哈萨克斯坦的第三大加盟共和国。1991年苏联解体后,乌克兰独立。乌克兰地理位置重要,是欧洲联盟与独联体特别是与俄罗斯地缘政治的交叉点。
      2. Kiev(基辅) 基辅为乌克兰首都,经济、文化中心。位于第聂伯河中游两岸,及其最大支流普里皮亚季河与杰斯纳河汇合处附近。面积 782平方千米,人口约260万,全市分为10个行政区。
      3. Tetiana Chornovol Tetiana Mykolayivna Chornovol is a Ukrainian journalist and civic activist, one of the leaders in the ongoing Euromaidan protest campaign. She is famous for investigative reports about corruption in Ukraine, as well as for her adventurous direct actions. On 25 December 2013, Chornovol was the victim of a much published and condemned severe beating.







王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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