
听写于:2016-11-28 12:3 用时:24:42 正确率:89% 错词:26个


Washington has again voiced concern about Beijing's activities in the South China Sea. China is building airbases on the harbors and harbours on reclaimed land there . and has occupied areas which other nations in the region regard as theirs.

This week, America's top navy commanders naval commander in the Pacific warns warned that it could all lead to a dangerous arms race. The two main disputed areas are around the Spratly Islands of off the Malaysian and Philippine coasts . and the Paracel Islands which China seized from Vietnam in 1974. Humphrey Hawksley's been to meet some Vietnamese fishermen who now find themselves on the front linefrontline.

" HeyHum, hon, you gotta come to look at thisat the tour of . " said a tall American tourists tourist with a faded green baseball cap . as he summoned his wife to an exhibit to in the military history museums museum in Hanoi. In the a scrawled handwritten note from April, 1975. , the Vietnamese high command had ordered his its generals to move at lightning speed in the final offensive against the American back to see him American-backed regime in Saigon. " Can you imagine our kids one day looking at something like this from isolated ISIL in the Middle Eastyast? " He asked. The shabby dusty museum has models of the military plans that defeated the French in 1954 and the Americans in 1975 when Communist Vietnam represented everything western democracy condemned. There are huge paintings of historic battles against the Chinese, in which many thousands were killed. , but only from the 10th to 15th centuries. , strangely there is there's nothing about Vietnam's more recent border-war with China in 1979 , which it it'd also won.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • Harbor vs. harbour: There is no difference in meaning between harbor and harbour. Harbor is the preferred spelling in American English, and harbour is preferred in all other main varieties of English.
    • reclaimed: v. 回收利用;改造(reclaim的过去分词);开垦土地 adj. 回收的,再生的;翻造的
    • Paracel Islands: 帕拉塞尔群岛(某些外国人沿用的殖民主义者对我国西沙群岛的称呼)
    • scrawled: n. 潦草的笔迹 v. 潦草地写;乱涂乱画
    • Saigon: n. 西贡(越南一座城市,现称胡志明市)
    • shabby: adj. 破旧的;卑鄙的;吝啬的;低劣的
    • dusty: adj. 布满灰尘的,灰尘弥漫的;轻率的回绝,毫无用处的回答



本周,一位美国太平洋区高级海军司令警告说,中国的做法可能令南中国海地区卷入危险的军备竞赛。两个最受争议的地区分别是临近马来西亚和菲律宾的斯普拉特利群岛(中国称为南沙群岛),以及中国在1974年从越南占领的帕拉塞尔群岛(中国称为西沙群岛)。BBC韩福瑞(Humphrey Hawksley)见过一些越南渔民,如今这些渔民发现自己正处于领土争端的风口浪尖。


王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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