
The Book that Changed Me Episode 5 of 5

听写于:2016-11-16 14:46 用时:25:06 正确率:92% 错词:15个


The People's War is a book of social history by Angus Calder. It was published in 1969 . and I bought it at Singapore airport when I was travelingtravelling, I suppose now I'd call it backpacking, in South East Southeast Asia.

As I traveled travelled through Vietnam, where the American president said presence sat on the country like Goya Goya's Colossus of Chaos. , and through Cambodia, which had yet to learn the benefits of receiving the protection of the USA. , I was learning through The People's War about a far away faraway country, of which I knew little , - my own.

'This is a war of unknown warriors. ' Churchill told the war world in the summer of 1940. The whole of the war in warring nations are engaged, not only soldiers, but the entire population - men, women , and children. In 1940 and the years that followed, the people of Britain were protagonists in their own history in a fashion never known before. , hence the title of this book , '- The People's War.

I was born during the war. To talk of the war nowadays is to define oneself as a child of the 40's. 40s, as surely is as printing one's birth certificate. , but at least until recently, you could be confident of sharing a common language. Both near Bosnia, the Gulfof , the Falklands and the Iraq Warhas noticed , have forced us not to take so much for granted. It was the war , that provided the basic grammar for my parents' lives. It was literally and metaphorically , the time of their lives , invoked with mathematical regularity throughout out my childhood. , and their then memories of the period wound up and regulated my emotional clock.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • protagonist: n. 主演;主要人物,领导者 The protagonist enters left stage. 男主角从舞台左边出现; Both novels trace the growth and development of the protagonist's character. 这两部小说都描述主人公性格的成长和发展过程。
    • invoke: v. 祈求, 实行, 恳求 Let us invoke the blessings of peace. 让我们祈求和平之福。
    • Goya: 弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅-卢西恩特斯,西班牙浪漫主义画派画家。画风奇异多变,从早期巴洛克式画风到后期类似表现主义的作品,他一生总在改变,虽然他从没有建立自己的门派,但对后世的现实主义画派、浪漫主义画派和印象派都有很大的影响,是一位承前启后的过渡性人物。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Goya
    • Bosnia: 波斯尼亚战争,是原南斯拉夫解体时的内部战争,是波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,发生在1992年3月和1995年之间和塞尔维亚之间的武力冲突。。在旧南斯拉夫开始解体时,波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那亦在1992年宣告独立。
    • Gulf: 海湾战争,是以美国为首的多国部队于1991年1月17日~2月28日在联合国安理会授权下,为恢复科威特领土完整而对伊拉克进行的局部战争,同时也是人类战争史上现代化程度最高、使用新式武器最多、投入军费最多的一场战争。
    • Falkland: 马尔维纳斯群岛战争,简称马岛战争或福克兰群岛战争(英语:FalklandsWar)或福克兰海战,也有部分媒体简称为福岛战争,是1982年4月到6月间,英国和阿根廷为争夺马岛(阿根廷称“马尔维纳斯群岛”)的主权而爆发的一场战争。

本文的譯文, 滬江的版本實在是太差了. 之前都沒有仔細閱讀他們給的翻譯. 特別是最後一自然段的最後幾句. 所以今天就沒有譯文了.

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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