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Aleppo’s underground orphanage

听写于:2016-11-10 15:38 用时:21:18 正确率:96% 错词:13个


The rebel-held part of the city of Aleppo is currently under siege from Russian and Syrian government forces . and, according to the UN Special Envoy, faces total ruined ruin within the next two months. Before the war, Asmar Halabi ran two furniture shops in the city with his father, . These have been destroyed by the shelling. Now he runs an orphanage which is home to 50 children, many of whose parents have been killed in the bombardment. And it's not just the children who've lost relatives. , Asmar's own father and 3 three of his 4 four sisters have also been killed. On the line from Aleppo , he told me about the day in 2014 when an air strike hit the schools school where 2 two of his sisters and the women woman who is now his wife were studying.

There was an exhibition for paintings and drawings for children above the age of 13. , and it's it also was the end of the academic here. year and there was some sort of celebration. At that time the school was attacked by regime forces and the whole school was destroyed. I got the news at around 9: 30 in the morning. People called me and told me of the incident. I immediately rushed to the school. I was able to find one of my sisters, killed. The second one, I kept looking for her under the rubbles and ruins for 2 two to 3 three hours until I was able to find any traces of her, and I couldn't. And then eventually they told me that she is in the hospital and we found her there. She was killed in that strike. My wife, we looked for her for days and days . and we couldn't find here her for 4 four days until later on they called us in the hospital and they told us that she was found in the school at that time and she was taken to hospital.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • Aleppo: 阿勒颇[叙利亚西北部城市]
    • under siege: 被包围;受...困扰的;一再遭到批评的
    • envoy: n. 使节,外交官;全权公使
    • shelling: n. 壳;外壳;外形;炮弹 v. 剥壳;剥落
    • bombardment: n. 炮击,轰炸
    • regime force: 政府军


据联合国特使称,叛军控制的阿勒颇市部分地区目前正处于俄罗斯和叙利亚政府军的包围之下,并将在接下来的两个月中变得满目疮痍。战争开始前,阿斯马尔·哈拉比和父亲在市内经营了两家家具店,但是都被炮击摧毁。目前他开了一家孤儿院,收养了50个孩子,他们中很多人的父母都在轰炸中丧生。失去亲人的不光是孩子们,阿斯马尔的父亲和他四姐妹中的三人也都不幸遇难。远在阿勒颇的他向我讲述了2014年学校遭受空袭那天的事,当时他的两个姐妹和他现在的妻子正在那里上学。 那时有一个13岁以上孩子参加的画展,那也是学年结束的日子,所以有一些庆祝活动。当时学校被执政势力袭击,整个校园被毁。我是在早上9点半左右得到的消息。有人打电话告诉我这件事。我立刻赶往学校,找到了其中一个不幸丧生的姐妹。我在废墟和瓦砾中一直寻找我另一个姐妹,找了两三个小时也没找到她的踪迹。后来他们告诉我她在医院,我们在那里找到了她。她已经在袭击中身亡。我们整日地寻找我的妻子,四天过去都没找到,直到后来他们给我们打电话,说她在学校被发现,当时就被送进了医院。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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