
Canada and EU sign free trade deal

听写于:2016-11-11 16:48 用时:20:05 正确率:90% 错词:19个


After 7 seven years of negotiation and 7 seven days of at the bulging Belgian region of Wallonia digging that hills their heels in over approving the deal. , the European Union and Canada have finally signed that their landmark free trade agreement. After a short, but possibly in the circumstances, appropriate delay. , the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau flew into Brussels , for the signing ceremony. Those applauds There was applause and jubilation ask as ink was finally put to paper.

Well in his comments, Mr . Trudeau concentrated on the economic benefits of the deal.

First and foremost. , Canadians and Europeans share the understanding that in order for a real and meaningful economic growth . we need to create more good, well-paying jobs for our citizens. For aggressive Progressive trade agreements like the one signed today will do just that.

While Well the European Council President Donald Tusk gave it a far broader significance.

Todays' Today's decisions demonstrate that the disintegration of the Western community does not need to become a lasting trend.

, that we still possess enough strength and determination, at least some of us, to counter the fatalism of the decay of our political worldsworld. In this particular moment in the EU's history , this positive sign means a great deal.

  • Words worth to be remembered
    • digging their heels in 顽抗;拒绝让步;坚持自己的立场 例句:Officials dug their heels in on particular points. 在一些特定问题上,官员们拒不让步.
    • jubilation: n. 欢腾,欢庆,庆祝活动
    • Belgian: adj. 比利时的 n. 比利时人
    • as ink was finally put to paper 签字的那一刻
    • progressive: adj. 进步的; 不断前进的; 进行的; n. 改革论者; 进步分子; 例句:The company tries to project an image of being innovative and progressive. 该公司努力以富有创新和进取精神的形象出现。
    • disintegration: n. 瓦解,崩溃;分解
    • integration: n. 整合; 一体化; 结合; (不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的) 混合; 例句:The aim is to promote closer economic integration. 目的是进一步促进经济一体化。
    • fatalism: n. 宿命论
    • broader significance: 更深远、更广泛的意义







王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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