
Yemen Starving

听写于:2016-12-14 14:14 用时:16:00 正确率:92% 错词:16个


But first , the UN has issued a stock stark warning that an increasing number of children in Yemen face death from hunger because of a the lack of international help. The Wolrd World Health Organisation says more than half of the country's hospital hospitals are not functioning , due to the conflict that's lasted more than 20 months. Houthi rebels and forces ally shut allied to the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh are fighting the internationally recognized recognised government , which is backed by Saudi Arabia. Since the war began, the number of children suffering from malnutrition has risen 3-foldthreefold. Our special correspondent Fergal Keane has traveled travelled to one of the worst-affected parts of the country.

" It is becoming one of the sounds that defines our time. Another desperate infant in the a Middle-Eastern war without end. In this room, there are two babies. , Juda who's to my left and she is 4 four months old. , and on the right, on another bed with her mother is Eliane, who's 9 nine months old. They are both chronically malnourished. And as I'm looking at Juda. , this, this tiny face staring at me vacantly . and hands that are, they are too tiny for a child who is 4 who's four months of age. Too tiny. "

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • stark: adj. 荒凉的;光秃秃的;刻板的;僵硬的;朴实的;完全的 adv. 完全地;明显地
    • ally to: 与...属一类,与...相似,与...有关系, 同盟
    • vacantly:adv. 空虚地,无表情地


首先,联合国发出了一则严肃的警告:也门越来越多的儿童因缺乏国际援助而面临饿死的危险。世界卫生组织称,由于长达20个月的战乱,也门境内超过半数的医院已经停止工作。胡西族的反政府武装以及和前总统阿拉布都结盟的武装力量联合起来,正在与得到国际认可、并由沙特阿拉伯支持的也门政府交锋。自从开战以来,患上营养不良的儿童数量翻了三倍。我们的特派记者 Fergo Kee 已经前往也门儿童饥饿情况最严重的地区之一。

“(这哭声)也是属于我们的时代的其中一种声音。无休无止的战争,又一个深陷绝望的婴儿。在这则视频中,我左手边的是 Juda, 她四个月大;我右手边的,跟母亲躺在同一张床上的是 Allian, 他九个月大。他们两个都已经长时间营养不良。我此刻正看着 Juda, 这张小脸空洞洞地看着我,而她的手,作为一个四个月大的孩子来说也太小了。实在太小了。”

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.
