
Jacqueline Bisset

听写于:2016-11-12 10:47 用时:27:26 正确率:88% 错词:25个


We are We're beginning with one of the most popular and affections infectious examples of the Jone genre from 1963. 1973, because it's there's a new Blu-ray release of Francois Truffaut's Day For Night, which takes it's its title from the blue filter used to make daylight look nocturnal . - a whole lot easier than filming in genuine dark. The plot dancers surrounded dances around the director played by Truffaut himself, as he tries to marshal his production despite the various personal dramas of costume cast and crew. His film was is made in France, in French, but his star is English. She arises arrives from Hollywood in the a flurry of paparazzi, young, beautiful and slightly neurotic. The in-joke here is the that star Pamela is played by British actress Jacqueline Bisset, who would indeed be have been arriving with attendance attendant publicity. By the early 70s, she'd already been a Bond girl, Steve McQueen's love interesting interest in Bullitt and an air hostess and Captain Dean Martin's girlfriend in Paro peril in the sky blockbuster Airport. And then, one day in 1972, Jacqueline Bisset was in Paris - not so much for the last tango with as the disco tech , - when an emissary arrived from UAE royalty.

It's actually rather a strange story, from my point of view. I was in Paris as I used to go sometimes quite often, and I often used to go to a place and dance. And I was staying that particular evening in a hotel I've I'd never stayed at before in my life. , and about 11 : 00 o'clock in the morning. , a very out-of-breath handsome young man came rushing up the stairs, knocking on my door, sayingthere is , you must, there's a phone call for meyou. I saidthere is , no, there's a mistake, . Nobody knows I am I'm here.


我们先来看看这一类电影中最受欢迎且最有感染力的一部作品,导演Francois Truffaut在1973年的作品《日以作夜》。这部电影最近发行了最新的蓝光版本。电影得名于拍摄时采用的蓝色滤镜。滤镜让白天看起来像是夜晚,比在黑暗中拍摄容易得多。电影情节围绕着一位导演展开,讲述他如何克服剧组里的一系列戏剧性事件,只为完成电影的拍摄。Truffaut本人扮演这一角色。导演的法语电影拍摄于法国,但主角是英国人。她年轻貌美,又有点神经质,从好莱坞来到这里,轰动了一众狗仔。这里有个行内人才懂的笑点:片中的女星Pamela由英国演员Jacqueline Bisset扮演,她本人的出现确实会引起广泛关注。在70年代初,她已饰演过邦女郎,导演Steve McQueen的作品《布利特》中的情人,以及风靡一时的电影《国际机场》中机长Dean Martin的空乘女友。随后,1972年的一天,Jacqueline在巴黎(并不是像歌里唱的那样“为了最后一曲探戈”),一位来自阿联酋皇室的信使找到了她。


dictation English Learning Listening BBC
王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

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