
Overeating Due to Stress?

听写于:2015-9-18 | 正确率:96%


Stress can make some people (me included) lose our appetite. And other folks find comfort in food. But such behaviors may actually even out in the long term, . Because researchers find that people who change eating patterns when stressed out may actually make up for those not-so-healthy impulses during easier times. So finds in a study in the journal Psychological Science.

Volunteers for the study self-identified as either " munchers" or " skippers" . Each person will have had to interact with another person via video chat. , with the intention of meeting them later. After each video interaction participants receive received a message either stating that their partner had decided not to meet them, or that they were excited to meet them. As a control, some participants were told that the study had just been canceled. Then , the researchers offered ice cream to everyone , - as much as they wanted.

The munchers who got rejected ate more ice cream than did those in the control groups. group, and the skippers who were rejected ate less. All as you’d expectedexpect.

But here is here’s the twist, : Among the participants who received positive feed backfeedback, the munchers actually ate less than the control group, . And the skippers ate more.

So even stress-eaters are sometimes less-eaters. Unless they are they’re always stressed out.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • munch v. 用力咀嚼,大声咀嚼
    • twist n. 扭,绞,搓,缠,编;窍门;曲解;扭伤 v. 扭转,扭弯,旋转,绞;缠绕,盘绕;扭伤;歪曲;扭动


  • “()”中的是我認爲正確的翻譯
  • 黑體字是我認爲翻譯得好的部分

压力可以使某些人(也包括我啦)失去胃口。还有些人会从食物中找到慰籍。但是这样的行为也许会在长时间后得到调和。因为研究人员们发现,因压力而改变饮食模式的人,在没有压力的时候出现的不那么健康的饮食冲动实际上会得到弥补。 这是在《心理学科学》杂志上发表的一项研究得出的结论。


被告知会面被拒绝的吃货们比对照组的人吃掉更多的冰淇凌,而被拒绝的 三餐不固定的人则比对照组的人吃的冰淇凌要少。所有的结果都在意料之中。

可是也有个小纠结:在收到积极反馈的参与者们,标榜为吃货的 人比对照组的人吃的冰淇淋少。而三餐不固定的人却吃得比对照组的人多。


王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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