
听写于:2017-1-5 9:35 用时:26:08 正确率:88% 错词:26个


But we start with a literary star , - Paul Beatty, the first American ever to win the coveted Man Booker Prize, which is worth of £50,000 and a place on the best-seller list. The Sellout is a comic novel which is also unusual for a Man Booker winner . - I laughed out loud reading it . - but the subject method matter, which is a set arrow satire of race relations in contemporary America, also struck me as highly appropriate for 2016 in the wake of Trump's election victory, in and the Black Lives Matter campaign.

Our sinerator's After the narrator's father was killed in a police shootout and his hometown is wiped off the map. , he decides to right the wrong by taking on the a slave and reintroducing segregation, actions that land him in a the Supreme Court.

This may be hard to believe, coming from a black man. , but I have I've never stolen anything. , never cheated on my taxes or at cards, never snuck into the movies or fail failed to give back the extra change to a drug store drugstore cashierand different , indifferent to the ways of mercantilism and the minimum wage expectations. I've never burgled a houseor , held up a book liquor store, never boarded a crowded bus or subway car, sat the in a seat reserved for the elderly. But here I am, in a cavendish chamber the cavernous chambers of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. ; my car illegally and somewhat ironically parked on Consitution Constitution Avenue. ; my hands cuffed and crossed cross behind my back. ; my right to remain silent long since waved waived and said goodbye to as I sit in the thickly patted a thickly-padded chair that, much like this country, isn't quite as comfortable as it looks.


先来介绍的是文学明星保罗·比蒂(Paul Beatty)。他是今年布克文学奖的获得者,也是第一位获此殊奖的美国作家。除了能获得5万英镑奖金外,他的获奖作品也会在畅销书榜占据一席之地。《出卖》(The Sellout,又译《背叛》)是一本幽默小说,这在布克奖获奖历史中并不常见。这本书常使我捧腹大笑。而它以讽刺当代美国的种族关系为题材,我觉得这非常适合2016年这个年份——特朗普赢得大选胜利,及“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)的抗议运动都在2016年发生。 在经历了父亲被警察击毙,家乡城市在地图上消失的事件后,小说的叙述者决定通过雇佣奴隶及施行种族隔离制度来纠正这个错误。这些行为最终使他被送上最高法院的法庭。 “这些话从一个黑人口中说出可能难以让人信服。但是我从来没有偷过东西,从来没有偷税漏税,没有在玩牌时出老千,没有偷偷溜进电影院看电影。我每次都把多找的零钱还给药店收银员。我对重商主义的手段并不在意,对最低薪资标准也没有什么期许。我从未入室盗窃,或是抢劫卖酒的商店。我从没在拥挤的公车或地铁上占用老人专用座位。但我还是落得如此下场,在大而“幽深”的美国最高法庭接受审判。我的车非法地、有些讽刺地停在了宪法大道。我的手被手铐铐住,反剪在背后。当我来到法庭,我不再拥有“保持缄默”的权利。我坐的椅子上垫着厚厚的坐垫,但它跟这个国家一样,都只是看着舒服罢了。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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