
Farmed Trout Bred to Fatten Up Fast

听写于:2016-10-7 18:36 用时:20:18正确率:91% 错词:24个


Half of all fish people eat worldwide now come from fish farms. So farms need to do more to keep up with demand.

And If we look to the future, at today's per capital capita fish intake around the world . we will would need to double aquaculture production.

Ron Hardy is the University of Idaho's Director of Aquaculture Research. He presented his research at a the recent International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding in Sun Valley, Idaho, which him he also chaired.

In the wild, rainbow trout eat insects and other, smaller fish. But Hardy says there aren't enough little fish to feed larger fish in the wild and still meet market demand as the human population increases. So he's used selected selective breeding to create strains of farmed fish that get by on food that's less expensive than little fish . - feed made from soybeanscorns , corn and weedwheat.

Some of the farmed fish really thrived. thrive: 16 years ago, Hardy had to wait a year for a one-pound trout. These days, his efforts yield trout up to four times as large in the same amount of time.

So, it become like would be kind of like if you are were going to you know breed a, I don't know , box ? dogs. So we've got everything from Rottweilers to , you know , little Scotties or whatever.

But the farmed fish aren't are not completely vegetarian. Soybeans don't have skeletons, they don't have bones . and the bones in fish meal are a major source of mineral minerals for the fish, for example. And much like humans, fish diets require omega-3 fatty acids, not found in terrestrial plants. So Hardy has to add a little fish-oil back into the plant-based feed. For those of us without waiterswaders, this kind of aquaculture is our best shot at a fish fry.


全世界的人消费的所有鱼类中,有一半现在都来自于渔场.所以渔民们需要更努力工作来保证供给.如果从长计议, 按照当今全世界的人均鱼类消费水平来看,未来水产养殖业的产量需要达到翻倍才可以供应的上.

这是Ron Hardy, University of Idaho水产养殖研究的负责人.他最近在Idaho 的太阳山谷Sun Valley举行的渔业营养与养殖国际论坛上发表了他的相关研究, 他同时也是这次会议的主席.

在野生地区, 红鳟鱼吃昆虫或者是其它小鱼.但是Hardy说, 在野生环境中可没有那么多小鱼供应给大一点的鱼, 随着人类数量的增加, 也没有那么多供应给人类. 所以他就选择性的 用比小鱼便宜的食物饲养人工鱼苗——就是用大豆,玉米和小麦做成的鱼食。

有些鱼苗大量繁殖成功:16年前,Hardy 不得不需要等一年才能得到一个一磅重的鳟鱼。近年来,他的努力所得到的鳟鱼,在同样的养殖时间内在体格上已经达到原来的四倍。所以,比如说你之前饲养的是小狗, 那么我们现在已经有从德国Rottweilers 罗特韦尔犬到小型苏格兰犬等各种品种了。



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